
An Rule of Optimization which provides SQL Standard Authorization for Apache Spark

Spark SQL Ranger Security Support Guide

Ranger security support is one of the available Authorization methods for Spark SQL with spark-authorizer.

Ranger is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform. The [spark-authorizer enables Spark SQL with control access ability reusing Ranger Plugin for Hive MetaStore . Ranger makes the scope of existing SQL-Standard Based Authorization expanded but without supporting Spark SQL. spark-authorizer sticks them together.

Ranger Security Support

Configuration Configuration File Example Descriptions ranger-hive-security.xml, Comma separated list of ranger admin address ranger-hive-security.xml   Name of the Ranger service containing policies for this YARN instance
ranger.plugin.hive.policy.cache.dir ranger-hive-security.xml policycache local cache directory for ranger policy caches

Create ranger-hive-security.xml in $SPARK_HOME/conf with configurations above properly set.

Configure Hive Metastore Client Side

 <!-- Ranger -->

Add configurations above in $SPARK_HOME/conf/hive-site.xml to enable Ranger security support.

Ranger Audit Support

All access to Spark SQL/Hive tables that is authorized by Ranger is automatically audited by Ranger. Auditing destination of HDFS or Solr etc is supported.

Configuration Configuration File Example Descriptions ranger-hive-audit.xml false When true, auditing is enabled
xasecure.audit.jpa.javax.persistence.jdbc.driver ranger-hive-audit.xml com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc driver for audit to a mysql database destination
xasecure.audit.jpa.javax.persistence.jdbc.url ranger-hive-audit.xml jdbc:mysql://address/dbname database instance auditing to
xasecure.audit.jpa.javax.persistence.jdbc.user ranger-hive-audit.xml username user name
xasecure.audit.jpa.javax.persistence.jdbc.password ranger-hive-audit.xml Password Password

Create ranger-hive-security.xml in $SPARK_HOME/conf with configurations above properly set to enable or disable auditing.

Install ranger-hive-plugin for Spark SQL

Please refer to the ​Install and Enable Ranger Hive Plugin for an overview on how to setup Ranger jars for Spark SQL.