An Rule of Optimization which provides SQL Standard Authorization for Apache Spark
SQL-Standard Based Authorization is one of the available Authorization methods for Spark SQL with spark-authorizer.
The spark-authorizer can enable Spark SQL with Hive’s SQL-Standard Based Authorization for fine grained access control. It is based on the SQL standard for authorization, and uses the familiar GRANT/REVOKE statements to control access.
For Spark SQL Client users who can directly access HDFS, the SQL-Standards Based Authorization can be easily bypassed.
With Kyuubi, the SQL-Standard Based Authorization is guaranteed for the security configurations, metadata, and storage informations are preserved from end users. It can be used along with storage based authorization on the Hive Metastore Server
The following table shows the minimum permissions required for Spark SQL when using SQL-Standard Based Authorization:
Operation | Permission required |
create table | ownership of database |
drop table | ownership |
describe table | select |
show partitions | select |
alter table location | ownership; URI privilege: RWX permission + ownership (for new location) |
alter partition location | ownership; URI privilege: RWX permission + ownership (for new partition location) |
alter table add partition | insert; URI privilege: RWX permission + ownership (for partition location) |
alter table drop partition | delete |
alter table (all of them except the ones listed above) | ownership |
truncate table | ownership |
create view | select “with grant option” |
alter view properties | ownership |
alter view rename | ownership |
drop view | ownership |
analyze Table | select and insert |
show columns | select |
show table properties | Select |
CTAS | select (of input) and ownership (of database) |
select | select |
insert | insert and delete (for overwrite) |
delete | delete |
load | insert (output); delete (output); URI privilege: RWX permission + ownership (input location) |
show create table | select “with grant option” |
create function | admin |
drop function | admin |
MSCK | admin |
alter database | admin |
create database | URI privilege: RWX permission + ownership (if custom location specified) |
explain | select |
drop database | ownership |
Select - READ access to an object
Insert - access to ADD data to an object (table)
Update - access to run UPDATE queries on an object (table)
Delete - access to DELETE data in an object (table)
All Privileges - includes all above privileges
Spark SQL does not support grant/revoke statement, which might be done only in Hive.